Thursday, June 22, 2017

Khan Academy Hour of Code

Hy there, today I'm going to talk to you about something I did in an amazing website called Khan Academy. By the way, If you want to learn anything about practically any topic for free, you might want to check the website out. 
But well, what I really was going to talk about with you was about something we did for the informatic class called the Hour of Code. This is awesome if you are looking forward to start learning the basics of programming. 
Now I'm going to show you what's it all about.

What you see here is a coloring challenge that was part of the hour of code. As you can see, we have a drawing of a snowman, but at the begin of the challenge, this drawing had no color. Our task was to complete that part, and the way we did it was threw something called RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which is used to assign any color we want in code threw the mixture of Red, Green and blue. The code that I used to do this is the following:

As you can see, I used the background command to do the light blue sky, in other words, the background, and the fill command to fill with color any shape that is coded beneath it. It is important to note that any color command will apply to everything written under it, so remember to do and paint smaller shapes in front of bigger ones, so that they don't get covered by them. Here we can see a similarity to concept learnt in class about algorithms, since algorithms also follow a certain order, that in case of not being followed, may not work at all. 

What you can see here is a portrait I did of myself during the hour of code. This work is the result of one of three projects that we were assigned to complete more or less to conclude the hour of code. Now, even if it's not the nicest thing or the best representation of myself, it serves nicely to the purpose of showing you just a little bit of what is possible with code. Other more professional coders can draw much better things, just like this:

Source: Khan Academy

Going back to my portrait, the whole idea of hour of code isn't to become an expert or so, but more like getting an idea of what is possible with JavaScript, the language used in this case. 
The following image shows what code I used to create my portrait:

If you remember the previous posts I wrote, you'll remember how I emphasized in the things we learned in class about Inputs and outputs. Well, this is the first time that we used the theory we had learned in previous classes and put it into practical use. 

The last concept we used that we had previosly learned in class, which has it's importance in informatics, is divergent thinking, wich can be defined as a method to generate creative ideas by thinking about many different possible solutions to open questions. In this case for example, it would be: How would you create a portrait of your one face?

To end this post I would like to share with you some of my earned badges, energy points and other things I acquired for my profile:

As you can see in the image, I've earned 3 challenge Patches and 4 Meteorite Badges. Here you can see what I did to earn them:

Challenge Patches:

Meteorite Badges:

Besides, thanks to my progress I unlocked the evolution of my profile avatar, or like I like to call it, monster, from this:

To this:

Now yes, I'm done for today, so see ya in the next one!

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