Sunday, August 6, 2017

The hour of code, creating web-pages

This is a post about HTML and our experience with it

Hello to everyone!!
We (Migue and I, Alois) have been learning in Kahn academy how to create a web-page only using HTML (HyperText Markup Language), we have learned a lot about it, and We've really enjoyed it. Now we can make a web-page on our own.
I personally think, that this is a really complex method of communicating with the computers, for them to know what to show up on the monitor, cause that's what it is. A lot of people are using this method to make what they want, the team of BLOGGER probably used HTML to create this web-page, and I've just used it for writing all of this. So, it is a really usefull thing.
This will be a Post about some aspects of HTML. Here we go...

A question, that not a lot of users ask them selfs is:
This is a really short summary about HTML:

An argument of why HTML is so important:

Some HTML tags information:

This are some things We've thought HTML could have, to improve it:

Our thoughts about it's documents: 

This is everything we wanna say about this topic. 
Thanks for reading it.
If there is something we can improve, leave us a comment saying what it is. Thank you!!

Migue Obeid and Alois Haidbauer 

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