Thursday, June 29, 2017

The hour of code - Khan academy

 Hi! We are Caro and Oli, we are from the team 3, and today we would like to introduce you the Khan Academy. 

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by Salman Khan with the goal of creating an accesible place to educate people by using social media. The organization produces short lectures in form of videos. 
Our teacher asked us to do some coding projects and challenges. Here are a few: 

Challenge: Simple Snowman

Project: Super Snowman

Drawing with codes: there are different types of coding "names"called commands. These will help us to draw whatever shape we want to do. After the type the command for example ellipse (for a circle), we will have to place our shape in a specific place in the blank space. What we mean by that is we have to put four different numbers (depends on the command you have written). This numbers will modificate the height, width and position of the shape you choose. 

Painting with code:  in case you would like to paint a background or a specific shape you will have to use specific commands for this. If you want to paint the background we will type "background". If you want to pain just a shape you have to type "fill" BEFORE you type the other commands. Because it paints all the codes you've typed after it. 

That's all! We hoped you found this blog interesting and informative. Thank you for your time! 

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Hour Of Code

Hi there, how are you?
Today Alexa and I are talking about something called the hour of code. This is something we learned about at a great website called Khan Academy. This is, in our opinion, the best website for learning any topic you want to learn about. So go on, visit it, I'm sure you're going to love it.
For the class of informatic, we entered to Khan Academy and logged in. The teacher gave us a lot of things to do, we had to sign up in Khan Academy and complete the challenges/projects given by the program.

Here is a challenge that we had to do:
It has basic and simple codes that helps as to do all the projects!

For example this project...
If you’d like to see the entire code: <Code>


Here we have some important concepts you need to know if you are interested in coding: (three concepts related to the contents studied in the class)

  • When you use coding to, for example draw a snowman, you use specific commands or functions. This is a very important concept you need to know if you want to code. We could say, that a command is a set of words that gives the server a simple instruction he knows how to follow. For example, if we use the command known as ellipse, type some numbers inside the parenthesis and write a semicolon at the end, the server will immediately know what to do: draw a circle.
  • When we talk about commands and functions we realize something: they have a lot in common with algorithms. These are also a set of instructions that follow a certain order so they can work: if you don't write them in a certain order, you might not be able of drawing or creating what you want to.
  • Another concept we use and learn in class before is input and output. When we write the code we are giving an input to the computer and the output is the result of our code, for example a line in this case. The instruction we give is the input and the respond is the output.

Here are highlighted in yellow my earned badges and my earned energy points 

We win poins when we compleat the activitys given by KhanAcademy and the badges are given by different reasons wich you can see in the photo below.
Captura para informatica.PNG

''The hour of code''

 Hi! We are Oli and Caro, and today we would like to introduce you the Khan Academy. 

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by Salman Khan with the goal of creating an accesible place to educate people by using social media. The organization produces short lectures in form of videos. 
Our teacher asked us to do some coding projects and challenges. Here are a few: 

Challenge: Simple Snowman

Project: Super Snowman

Drawing with codes: there are different types of coding "names"called commands. These will help us to draw whatever shape we want to do. After the type the command for example ellipse (for a circle), we will have to place our shape in a specific place in the blank space. What we mean by that is we have to put four different numbers (depends on the command you have written). This numbers will modificate the height, width and position of the shape you choose. 

Painting with code:  in case you would like to paint a background or a specific shape you will have to use specific commands for this. If you want to paint the background we will type "background". If you want to pain just a shape you have to type "fill" BEFORE you type the other commands. Because it paints all the codes you've typed after it. 

That's all! We hoped you found this blog interesting and informative. Thank you for your time! 


Khan Academy: The Hour Of Code

Hi there, how are you?
Today Ivana Saggion and I are talking about something called the hour of code. This is something we learned about at a great website called Khan Academy. This is, in our opinion, the best website for learning any topic you want to learn about. So go on, visit it, I'm sure you're going to love it.
For the class of informatic, we entered to Khan Academy and logged in. The teacher gave us a lot of things to do, we had to sign up in Khan Academy and complete the challenges/projects given by the program.

Here is a challenge we had to complete:
It has basic and simple codes that helps us to do all the projects!

For example this project...
If you’d like to see the entire code: <Code>

And here, we have some important concepts you need to know if you are interested in coding:

When you use coding to, for example draw a snowman, you use specific commands or functions. This is a very important concept you need to know if you want to code. We could say, that a command is a set of words that gives the server a simple instruction he knows how to follow. For example, if we use the command known as ellipse, type some numbers inside the parenthesis and write a semicolon at the end, the server will immediately know what to do: draw a circle.
When we talk about commands and functions we realize something: they have a lot in common with algorithms. These are also a set of instructions that follow a certain order so they can work: if you don't write them in a certain order, you might not be able of drawing or creating what you want to.
Another concept we use, that we learned in class before, is the input and output. When we write the code, we are giving an input to the computer. The output is the result of our code, for example a line. The instruction we give is the input and the respond is the output.

We win points when we complete the activities given by KhanAcademy and the badges are given by different reasons which you can see in the photo below.

Captura para informatica.PNG
And thats everything. We hope you had a great time, see you next time!

the hour of code

So about a week ago our informatic teacher told us about this site he really likes, Khan Academy where you can learn lots about math , science and lots of other like for example us about coding now I finished the first hour of coding and would like to tell you what I learned and what I have done in the definitely more than one hour of coding. I will also link you a video about coding for beginners if you feel like you need more than just this post to fully understand drawing with code.
so I hope you will learn something and let's get started.

the first challenge we had to do was to make a simple snowman we just had to draw 3 circles this a very easy command just type ellipse(and the 4 different coordinates); so very trouble free. under this post, you can see the snowman I did.I don't think anybody will have trouble doing this so let's just skip to one of the first "real'' projects I did.
self portrai.PNG

So on our first real project, we had to draw a self-portrait. for the hair I used rect(); and fill(); to color it. for the face and eyes I just eclipse(); for the nose, I used rectangle(); and for the mouth, I used bezier(); other projects I did were drawing a snowman with hands, a face and a hat. Another project I did was drawing a wild animal, all in all, it was a very fun and educational I'd recommend it to everybody who is interested in starting to code.

At last, I wanted to talk about the energy points you earn so after each exercise you finished you would get some points this really helped me to work hard because I always wanted to have more points than my friends so a very good idea at the end I had 12700 points.

here the video

Sunday, June 25, 2017

“Hour of code” at Khan Academy

In this last week we are learning to use codes using the "Khan Academy" platform. Khan Academy offers practice drills, tutorials and a personalized learning dashboard that allows students to learn at their own pace, both inside and outside the classroom.

In this post we will explain our work, show our projects and prove what we learnt.

First of all we created a new account synchronizing the gmail account with this platform. Then we watch a video that told us how to create forms and paint throw codes.

We think that this website, will teach us how to program in a good way,interactive and easy. However we will never become experts,because it is not so sophisticated, we will be close enough.

The Challenges:

Now we are going to talk about the challenges we have completed. Using the scrips, which we had learned with Khan Academy, we painted a snowman.
So was the process:

The Projects:

Although the Challenges was´t easy we were expected to make a bigger effort. He had to do our projects: We had to choose between painting a wild animal, a self portrait or a super snowman.
This is how our projects look like:
You can see the complete project including scripts here:

What have we learned?

First of all I recommend watching these videos, to get introduced to the topic.

Some important concepts:


The background is used to to give a color to the project. To create the Background you need to write a specific code: background(r,g,b);. The r is the amount of red. The g is the amount of green and the b is the amount of blue.


The point is used for example to build an eye (the iris). the code of the point is: point(x, y);. The x is the x-coordinate of the point (it moves to the left or to the right).


The rectangle is used for example to draw hair. To create a rect you need to write this code: rect(x, y, width, height, radius);. The x is the x-coordinate of the top left corner. The y is the y-coordinate of the top left corner. The width is the width of the rectangle. The height is the height of the rectangle and last but not least the radius is  the radius of the corners, to round the rectangle (do not forget that the radius is optional).

Our Profiles:

Last but not least, we´ll share our profiles with you. We are not going to present ourselves, because we already did it in an older post, so we let you the link to that post. 

Alex´s profile:

Nacho´s profile:

Thanks for reading the post, let a comment if you like it or if you have some tips.
Post by Nacho and Alex.

The hour of code - Khan Academy

This week we were working with the website Khan Academy, we were drawing with code, it's a really fun and different way of drawing. At the first look this kind of drawing seems to be difficult, but once you catch how it works it's really easy.  
Khan Academy is a really complete website to learn a lot of different things. We can also use it to learn maths, science, computing, arts, humanities, economics, finance, engineering, and a lot more.

It has video tutorials for you to understand what you have to do and documents that explain certain topics. Its friendly to use and you learn a lot with it. Here is a short video to show you how to use it.  

Thanks to Ian Daecher
We have worked with the topic drawing with codes, after all the lessons we needed to make 3 different projects to prove that we know how to draw with code. Our teacher can monitorize our activities and see if we worked in our homes, because khan knows when the IP  is from a normal computer or a computer from a school (if you wanna know your IP nummer visit this page what is my IP adress?). This are our projects:

This snowman is from Migue.

This penguin is from alois.
We really enjoyed this website, because you can learn a LOT of things related with school and this could be really useful, because of the easy and intuitive way of teaching that this website has. This website also counts with a system of points, which you earn by studying in Khan or when you finish an exercise, we believe it is a really cool idea, because it inculcates the user to keep on learning. We hope, you will start learning in Khan Academy.
(system of points)
Migue and Alois

Hour of code with Cecilia Uhrin

Hi everybody! A few weeks ago we started working and learning in an online platform called drawing with codes. This page has a special system where each one has an account but everyone has the same task. This task has different steps that we have to complete. Some are videos that we have to watch, others are documents that we have to read and after that we have challenges that we have to do and once we complete them we get points. When you get points you win awards!

This is your profile, were you can see your profile picture, that looks like a monster. At the beginning he is very small, and by geting points he can get bigger. At the beginning you can choose the colour of the monster. You can also see your earned points, your process, your badges, that are some kind of achievements, and also all the projects that you did.

The first challenge that we had to do was to draw a simple snowman. Like you can see we only need three circles and to draw them we will need to use a special code that starts with the word “ellipse” (that means circle) and inside this () we will have to write numbers for the x-coordinate of the centre of the circle, y-coordinate of the centre of the circle, w for the width of the circle and h for the height of the circle. If you want to change the place of the circles you can try changing the numbers. On the up-right-corner you can see that, to help you, Khan Academy tells you some numbers to start with.

This is an example of a project called "wild animal" that one of us made. On the left side is all the coding. It looks difficult to understand, but actually it is very simple. You only have to write the command of the form that you want to use, and then between the parenthesis, the coordinates. And in the right side, you can see what you are drawing.  

Underneath a project there is always some help like this one:

If you want to, you can click this link and see how it works:

Thank you for reading! See you next time! Ceci and Giuli

The hour of code

Hello everybody! Last week we have been working in an online platform called Khan Academy. In this website you can learn absolutely anything that you can imagine. We learned something that's called ''Drawing with code''. We both liked this new experience a lot. It is a very fun way to learn, because in the process you watch tutorial videos and you complete challenges. While you complete the tasks, you get points and awards.
In the following, we will show you our drawings, our profiles, what we did and explain you what this is about. Let's get started!

Here we can see how your profile looks like. You are able to see you profile picture, that looks like a monster. At the beginning he is very small, and by geting points he can get bigger. You can also see your earned points, your process, your badges, that are some kind of achievements, and also all the projects that you did.

These are the badges that I earned.

This is an example of a drawing that one of us made. On the left side is all the coding. It looks difficult to understand, but actually it is very simple. You only have to write the command of the form that you want to use, and then between the parenthesis, the coordinates. And in the right side, you can see what you are drawing.

Thank you for reading! See you next time!