Author's name: KRAMER AND MEYER
______________________________________________________________________________________________On these last weeks we have been working with Cryptography and had to solve a problem in the website Khan Academy. Cryptography comes from greek,"cripto" means hidden and "graphy" means graph or writing. The goals in Cryptography are confidentiality, integrity of the message, bonding, authentication and solutions to a problem. In this Khan Academy mission we had to read the given clues that were in ciphers and translate them to understand the issue and give the right answers. In this excercise we learnt how to analyse ''Caesar Cipher'' and ''Vigenere Cipher''. It was very interesting working with Cryptography. It is hard to manage at first, but once you understand it, it is easy.

Author's name: KRAMER AND MEYER
Here is a video about the Caesar cipher in case you want to learn more about it.
We hope you liked the post and found it useful.
Oli and Caro.
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