Monday, June 26, 2017

the hour of code

So about a week ago our informatic teacher told us about this site he really likes, Khan Academy where you can learn lots about math , science and lots of other like for example us about coding now I finished the first hour of coding and would like to tell you what I learned and what I have done in the definitely more than one hour of coding. I will also link you a video about coding for beginners if you feel like you need more than just this post to fully understand drawing with code.
so I hope you will learn something and let's get started.

the first challenge we had to do was to make a simple snowman we just had to draw 3 circles this a very easy command just type ellipse(and the 4 different coordinates); so very trouble free. under this post, you can see the snowman I did.I don't think anybody will have trouble doing this so let's just skip to one of the first "real'' projects I did.
self portrai.PNG

So on our first real project, we had to draw a self-portrait. for the hair I used rect(); and fill(); to color it. for the face and eyes I just eclipse(); for the nose, I used rectangle(); and for the mouth, I used bezier(); other projects I did were drawing a snowman with hands, a face and a hat. Another project I did was drawing a wild animal, all in all, it was a very fun and educational I'd recommend it to everybody who is interested in starting to code.

At last, I wanted to talk about the energy points you earn so after each exercise you finished you would get some points this really helped me to work hard because I always wanted to have more points than my friends so a very good idea at the end I had 12700 points.

here the video

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