For the second post of the term we worked with the dream and design skill.
So we dreamed possible solution to this problem “The encryption on the school could be used to protect the school's information from anyone outside the school trying to use it without permission“ and we designed a game to synthesize possible solutions. We enjoyed a lot using this skills, they helped us with our problem, they are easy to use and anyone can find them in the internet. So here is our work we hope you like i, find this information useful and use these skills.
And here is the game...
You will need three friends
You will a piece of paper and a pen
You are gonna use the encryption method that you like the most
Make two teams of 2 integrants each
You will need to pick a captain for each of both teams
Both captains will have 3 minutes to hide a treasure wherever they want to. Both treasures are the same.
Then they will come back to the head quarters, the other integrant of the team doesn't know where the treasure is, the main goal is to find the friendly treasure and the enemy one before the enemy team.
Both of the captains will write where the treasure is, it is gonna be an encrypted message. The message will be sended to the enemy and the friendly team at the same time. They will have to decode the message to know where it is. If the enemy team decodes it first they will have the option to go and take the enemy treasure before them. The team that founds the treasures first will win what is inside them and the game. So it is more attractive to take both treasures and win what's inside them, than only having what's inside yours. It is like find the treasure, but all the clues are in a specific code, for you to know what they say, you will have to decrypt them.
To finish this post here it is a fictional radio we created were we ask questions about cryptography.
We hope you like our post.
Thanks you