Sunday, April 9, 2017

Personal reflection on C&D thinking and mind mapping

Hi! What a long day, huh? Well, don't worry! I'm here to make your studding easier. Doesn't matter if you are in school, in college, or even working, we all have obligations. And those obligations lead eventually to do a little research, don't they? So, today I'm helpping you make research faster and easier to understand. Too much information is overwhelming don't you think? Keep reading!

C&D Questions

You might be thinking, What are C&D Questions? Well have a little patiens, that's what I'm about to explain.
C&D Questions are actually two compleatly different types of questions. Convergent questions and divergent questions. These kind of questions are the ones you use uncontionsly every time you have to make research on something. 
Lets simmulate your sister is marring a japanees and you despertly need to find out things about japan and pretend you heard and payed attention to everything he ever sayd about his cuntry. You need to find out a lot of things right? What are their typical foods and traditions, but also thins about politics right? And thats not all, the list goes on and on. 
So, naturally you just write the word "Japan" in google, but there is so much information, and it's about so much different things. Not only the simple things you need to know, but also every single thing in the internet thats minimally releated to Japan. What should I do, you ask yourself, I don´t have that much time! And you start to freak out. Don't! All you have to do is use a Convergent questin, not a Divergent one like you were doing the moment you wrote "Japan" in google. Be more specific! Write something that starts with "What", "Who", "Where", "Why", "When" or even "What would happen if..." for a change and find yorself in the world of the Convergent Question!
So, I'm supposing you could easily understand that long explenation. If you couldn't, then be my guests and read whats next:

Convergent Questions:
- Is simple and gets directly to the point
- Uses "W" Questions
- Gives you spesific answers
- Is not ideal for writting essays or talking too long whit somebody about the topic

Divergent Questions:
- Leads to more questions
- Often isn't even a question, it's more like a word or two
- Gives you more general answers
- Is ideal for writing a lot of pages or talking for hours and hours about a topic

Mind mapping

Mind mapping is a very known study technique. We've all used it at least one time, but do we REALLY know HOW to do it? I think no. We just write down the information and add some arrows to it. But that isn't even mind mupping. It actually takes time and efford. It takes different colors, sices and even different handwritings to make it an actual mind map. It needs to be flashy, noteworthy. Like this:

Hope you enjoyed my post! See you soon,

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