The other day, I saw two videos. One was about How a CPU works and the other one was about How Turing machines work . In general, I liked the videos, although they were difficult to understand in some parts. But on the other side, they were both very informative and interesting. I made a mindmap, explaining the most important concepts of the V-Neumann architecture and turing machines. I used a programm called Mindomo, that helps you to elaborate virtual or digital mindmaps. Besides, I will also answer this question: Can you find a couple of turing-machine-like structures in a V-Neumann (CPU) architecture? Let's start.
Now, in answer to this question: Can you find a couple of turing-machine-like structures in a V-Neumann (CPU) architecture?
Both, the Turing machine and the V-Neumann architecture recieve and send data using outputs and inputs. The V-Neumann arch. uses the idea of the turing machine to sole problems. The turing machine uses inputs and outputs.
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