(Gif from: World of Computing)
In the last class of Informatics in our school, they gave us the assigment of looking three different videos.Two about Turing Machines and how this ones work and the other one how a CPU works.If you want to see the first Turing Machine video click here! This one is a little bit easier to understand but if you already understand it amd want to know a little bit more click here to see the second video.
The third video is about the CPU and if you want to see it click here!
I know these can be a little bit difficult to undestand at the first time but if you pay attention and make note you will get it, and if you don`t this post is for you! I will be explaining you here how the Turing Machine and the CPU works in very short and easy terms that I took from the videos and explained it with my own words introduced in a mindmap with the app Mindomo.
I will be also responding to the question formulated by our teacher that is the following:
Can you find a couple of Turing-machine-like structures in a V Neumann architecture?
Can you find a couple of Turing-machine-like structures in a V Neumann architecture?
To view the mindmap about Turning Machine click here.
To view the mindmap about CPU click here

(Image from: Ask Leo!)

First of all you will have to understand what the "Von Neumann Architecture" is.
For this I found a very cool video on YouTube that explains the topic very well.The video is made by Engineers Minute and they have really great videos so make sure to check them out.If you want to se the video about Von Neumann Architecture click here.
Lets start with the question.
After watching the video I realized that the Von Neumann Architecture is just some of the topics that are explained up there, all together!
These are:
Output unit
Control Unit
Memory Unit
So for me, it has a lot in common with the Turing Machine.
If you saw the video you may have noticed that it also works with binary digits, and it also gets an Input and gives us an Output.
We have something new that is that it works together with the CPU and the Memory.This is something that the Turing Machine doesnt do.
To end, from my point of view, the Von Neumann Architecture and the Turing Machine have a lot in common and you can find lots of this from the Turing Machine in Von Neumann Architecture.
So that is all I have for you guys today, I hope you liked it!
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(Image from: Ask Leo!)

First of all you will have to understand what the "Von Neumann Architecture" is.
For this I found a very cool video on YouTube that explains the topic very well.The video is made by Engineers Minute and they have really great videos so make sure to check them out.If you want to se the video about Von Neumann Architecture click here.
Lets start with the question.
After watching the video I realized that the Von Neumann Architecture is just some of the topics that are explained up there, all together!
These are:
Output unit
Control Unit
Memory Unit
So for me, it has a lot in common with the Turing Machine.
If you saw the video you may have noticed that it also works with binary digits, and it also gets an Input and gives us an Output.
We have something new that is that it works together with the CPU and the Memory.This is something that the Turing Machine doesnt do.
To end, from my point of view, the Von Neumann Architecture and the Turing Machine have a lot in common and you can find lots of this from the Turing Machine in Von Neumann Architecture.
So that is all I have for you guys today, I hope you liked it!
(Fonts made with: Fonts Space)
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