Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Personal reflection on C&D thinking and mapping

Hello! How are you doing? Today I decided to write about Mind Mapping, and C&D (controvert and divergent) questions.

 Mind mapping is a diagram used to visually represent or outline information.
  Marketing people also call it "the Secret Marketing Weapon". They say : "The beauty of a mind map is that it lets you see the big picture so that patterns and trends are easier to spot. It lets you group and connect ideas."
 As a student, I love using it when I have to study for an exam, or to put lots of information together in one sheet. It's not only very helpful for organizating myself, I use many colors, different types of writing, and even draw something, so that it is more attractive for the eye. And you can even remember it easier, the information will last for longer time, than just learning it by heart. 

(This is only an example I did yesterday. Normally my MindMaps are the double size of it.)

The best thing about Mind Maps, in my opinion, is that you can make endless arrows, with a lot of information, and connect them all. You don't imegine how helpful it is to study. For me, it is the best way. 

But you don't have to use the traditional way, a sheet of paper and a pencil. You can create them in your computer and share them with how many people you want too. 
 I tried the Mindmup 2.0 app. At the beginning it seemed very cool, eventhough when I wanted to save my work something happened, and everytime I clicked in the "Save" button I got a message telling me that there was an error. So when our computing teacher told us about Mindomo, I got very excited to try this out. And the first thing I had to do was to easily log in, just by adding an email address. 
I have to admit that I love this new program. It is perfect to make very, very big MindMaps. You can even add easily videos and pictures. Which I think is amazing. 

So, now that you know the most important about Mind Maps I'd like to write to you about Convergent and Divergent questions. 
Convergent questions are those that typically have one correct answer, while divergent questions, are those one that introduce you to other type of answers.

Conevergent questions start with What? When? Who? Why? Where? etc
For example "When was the french revolution?". And the answer will be "1789-1799". It is simple and gets direct to the point. That's one Pro, but a Cons is that if you have to write an esay, you'll have not that much to say. 
  On the other hand, Divergent questions will give you your answer, but they will lead you to more questions. Which is perfect for learning more about that topic. We usually ask How was/could? What might? Suppose... etc
For example, "How was it possible for the french people to start the revolution?". If I ask this I'll get many answers, with different pionts of view. There are even a lot of books written only talking about this.

       Conclusion: To learn more you have to ask in a divergent way. This is also good to be able to write plenty of pages. 
  But if you need one specific anwser, short, and fast, than convergent questions are the best for you. 

Thank you for your time! Can't wait to see you next time!

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